Anokhov I. V. Increasing Operational Transparency of 'Russian Railways' Company / I. V. Anokhov, V. V. Bludov, G. D. Rusetskaya // Advances in Economics, Business and Management Research. - 2019. - Vol. 113. - P. 287-292.
Авторы / соавторы: Anokhov I. V., Bludov V. V., Rusetskaya G. D., Анохов И. В., Русецкая Г. Д.
Ключевые слова: конкурентоспособность, труды сотрудников БГУ, сотрудники БГУ, статьи, БГУ, иностранные грузоотправители, New Silk Road, fixed costs, постоянные затраты, cargo transportation, грузоперевозки,
Аннотация: The increase in transparency of operations and authorization of system freight forwarders with broader powers is a prerequisite for enhancing the competitiveness of Russian Railways. This will increase the degree of versatility of the main facilities of the Russian Railways Company through their use in the activities of the system market players. As a result, fixed costs can be drastically reduced and the activities of the main market participants (including foreign shippers) will be synchronized.
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