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Bakhmatova T. G. Methodical approaches to the assessment of orphans’ exclusion in employment / T. G. Bakhmatova, Yu.A. Chusova // Публичное управление и территориальное развитие: тенденции, проблемы, перспективы и последствия мирового кризиса : сборник материалов международной научно-практической конференции, 28 - 29 мая 2014 г., Иркутск. - Иркутск, 2014. - С. 219-224.

Авторы / соавторы: Bakhmatova T. G., Chusova Yu.A., Бахматова Т. Г., Чусова Ю. А.

Ключевые слова: БГУ, труды сотрудников БГУ, сотрудники БГУ, БГУЭП, статьи, orphans, social exclusion, indicators of exclusion, labour market, system of empirically measured indicators of orphans’ social inclusion/exclusion,

Аннотация: The phenomenon of orphans’ social exclusion is considered as a process of excluding orphans from productive social life. The article considers objective and subjective factors of orphans’ exclusion in the sphere of employment, describes economic problems facing orphans on the labour market. The authors analyze various methods of measuring orphans’ social exclusion; determine problems of implementing these methods at the empirical level and, thus, prove the necessity of their verification due to their oblique relation to the subject at issue; substantiate the necessity of working out a new method that would include a system of certain empirically measured indicators of orphans’ social inclusion/exclusion in labour sphere, and propose indicators of orphans’ social exclusion on labour market that reflect its both objective and subjective manifestations.

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